Pengelolaan Koran Bekas menjadi Kerajinan Buket Bunga yang Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi

Pemanfaatan koran bekas menjadi kerajinan buket bernilai jual tinggi


  • Nurfaizah Zadzah Bahar Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo



Utilization of old newspapers into a bouquet craft that is worth selling. The purpose of this craft is to motivate and bring up creative ideas for the community so that they can use used goods to become a craft that has a sale value. Garbage is a problem that often arises in people's lives. However, there are many ways that are considered wiser in solving the waste problem. One of them is by using it to produce new products that have economic value. Not only can you reduce piles of waste, this method can also bring in additional income. This service activity was carried out in Palopo with the aim of providing training on making flower bouquets using used goods for housewives and their teenagers. Besides that, it also teaches how to market handicraft products so that they are recognized more quickly, so that the possibility of products being sold is greater. The result of this activity is to improve entrepreneurial skills in the community by giving housewives and youth the ability to make flower arrangements and teach them how to market their products online.




How to Cite

Nurfaizah Zadzah Bahar. (2023). Pengelolaan Koran Bekas menjadi Kerajinan Buket Bunga yang Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi: Pemanfaatan koran bekas menjadi kerajinan buket bernilai jual tinggi. JILPI : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Dan Inovasi, 1(4), 781–788.