Program Kreativitas Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Kain Flanel menjadi Bantal Leher Siap Pakai


  • Fadriani Aksan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo



The use of flannel cloth is a craft that has high selling value. The purpose of the student-entrepreneurship creativity program (PKM-K) is to encourage students to become entrepreneurs by starting to turn flannel into neck pillows for sale. The method of implementing this program is input, process, output and evaluation. The output of this program was conducting market research to find out market conditions. The output was neck pillows that are ready to use and can be marketed to consumers. The last is evaluation, that is, this stage occurs when the neck pillow production is complete. At this stage, we examine possible defects that cause consumer discomfort when using our products. The conclusion of the Community service program program is that the use of flannel with a sale value can provide skills to students to remain innovative and creative in the use of raw materials, giving students the opportunity to practice entrepreneurship with a comprehensive understanding of business concepts and increase student enthusiasm to be more productive.




How to Cite

Fadriani Aksan. (2023). Program Kreativitas Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Kain Flanel menjadi Bantal Leher Siap Pakai. Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Dan Inovasi, 1(4), 817–822.